September 2022: “Animal, vegetable, mineral.” Artport Gallery, Toronto, Canada.
Ongoing 2021- : “You and me, me and us.” Lithuania, Berlin, Norway.
December 2021: “In the spotlight” Craft Centre and Design Gallery, Leeds. UK.
November 2019: Sieraad, Amsterdam, Holland.
October 2019: Nuukmuseum of Art, Nuuk, Greenland.
October 2018: Private show, Jewelers Werk Galerie, USA.
June 2018: Work in permanent collection. Gallery Lulo, Healdsburg California.
June 2018: Regarding Nature, GroundWork, Norfolk, UK.
April 2018: Soul of Things. Mint Cafe, Japan
December 2017: Form Miami with Jewelers Werk Galerie, USA.
December 2017: At work gallery, London. Uk.
April 2017: "LOOT" Museum of Art and Design, New York, USA.
March 2016: "Triad, Þríund" Icelandic Design Museum, Iceland.
March 2016: "Hidden Forest" Reykjavik, Iceland.
June 2015: "Hidden Forest" Djupavik, Iceland.
October 2014: "20 ára afmælissýning Handverks og Hönnunar", City Hall Reykjavik.
January 2013: "From the Coolest Corner", Norway-Finland-Denmark-Sweden-Munich.
November 2012: "Water and Ice" "Láð og Lögur", Hanaholmen, Finland.
May 2012: "Love of Place", National Museum of Scotland. Edinburgh.
March 2012: "Roots", Hafnarborg Muesum. Iceland.
October 2011: "Ráðhúsmarkaður" á vegum Handverks og Hönnunar. Crafts and Design at City Hall, Reykjavík
September 2011: "Design Þing", in relation to the Sagenhaftes-island, Frankfurt, Germany.
May 2011: Kirsuberjatred, Reykjavík
March 2011: "Design March" The Icelandic Design Centre, Reykjavik.
December 2010: Permenent Collection, Galleria Norsu, Helsinki, Finland
November 2010: "Isländskt sölutorg", Galleria Norsu, Helsinki, Finland.
October 2010: "Ráðhúsmarkaður" á vegum Handverks og Hönnunar. Crafts and Design at City Hall, Reykjavik.
September 2010: "Cool as can be", CDA Art House, Skopje, Makedonia.
July 2010: "Skreflur" at The Reykjavik City Museum, Árbæjarsafn, Reykjavik.
May 2010: "A Fishy Tale" at the Icelandic Design Museum, Hönnunarsafn Íslands, Gardabær.
May 2010: "Summer Collection" at SDC Gallery, London.
March 2010: "Design March" The Icelandic Design Centre, Reykjavik.
January 2010: "New Jewellery Resolutions" at Platform Jewellery, Hatton Garden, London.
October 2009: Origin, Crafts Council at Somerset House, London
October 2009: "Ráðhúsmarkaður" á vegum Handverks og Hönnunar. Crafts and Design at City Hall, Reykjavík.
June 2009: Selected for the digital directory “e-Creative London 2009” by art-s-talker (www.art-s- talker.com)”
March 2009: Nordic Fashion Biennale. The Nordic Centre, Reykjavik.
March 2009: Design March. The Icelandic Design Centre, Reykjavik.
December 2008: Christmas Exhibition. Crafts and Design, Reykjavik.
December 2008: December Market. Reykjavik.
November 2008: Permanent Collection in Kraum, Kjarvalsstaðir Museum, Reykjavik.
November 2008: Alternative Giving, The Gallery, Craft Scotland, West Kilbride.
November 2008: Christmas Exhibition. Reykjavik Bags, Reykjavik.
September 2008: Scandinavian Jewellery, Gallery Electrum, London.
May 2008: Permanent Collection in Kraum, Design Store, Reykjavik.
February 2008: Domestic Bliss, Musa Art Café, Aberdeen.
January 2008: Collectibles, Studio Fusion, London.
January 2008: New Faces, Crafts Council at the V&A, London.
November 2007: Dazzle, at the National Theatre, London.
November 2007: Designer Jewellers Group at the Barbican Centre, London.
November 2007: Refresh, Kath Libbert Jewellery, Bradford.
November 2007: Full Circle, Studio Fusion, London.
August 2007: Fresh and New, Precious, Edinburgh.
July 2007: New Designers, London.
July 2007: Centenary Degree Show, Edinburgh College of Art.
2003-2007: Edinburgh College of Art, BA (Hons) Jewellery and Silversmithing. First Class Degree.
2001-2002: Reykjavik Technical College. Iceland
1996-2000: Menntaskolinn við Sund, High School. Iceland.
2014: The Red Thread, bought by Röshka Museet, Sweden.
2015: Bob (Bobbing Ring) bought by The icelandic Design Museum
Permanent Outlets
2017 Verslun Hönnunarsafns Íslands / Icelandic Design Museum
2017 Hús Handanna, Egilsstöðum
2017 At Work Gallery, London
2014 to present: Kista, Hofi, Akureyri.
2013 to present: www.ilmur.com
2012 to Present: Kirsuberjatréð, The Cherry Tree. Vesturgata, Reykjavik.
Work Experience
2010: On the selection panel for the Crafts and Design Christmas Exhibition
2007-2008: Artist in Residence Edinburgh College of Art. Teaching 1st and 2nd year students.
November 2007: Placement with jeweller and silversmith Malcolm Appelby.
June 2006: Placement with production based company, Manu Schmuckwerkstatt, Germany.
Awards/ Grants
October 2012: Travel Funding for a trip to Helsinki. Kultur Kontakt Nord. Helsinki.
December 2009: Travel fund. Crafts and Design in Iceland.
July 2007: Margrétarstyrkur,Scholarship from Iceland.
February 2007: Goldsmiths Precious Metal Bursary Award. Goldsmiths Company.
September 2006: International Scholarship, Edinburgh College of Art.
January 2006: Goldsmiths´Craftmanship & Design Awards
Book publication
Oktober 2014: Untamed Encounters, Thames & Hudson. Author Mimi Lipton.
January 2012: Book done because of "From the Coolest Corner" exhibition.
October 2008: Adorn. Author Amanda Mansell
August 2008: Natural Materials in Jewellery. Author Beth Legg.
July 2008: Crafts and Design in Iceland. Published by Handverk og Hönnun.
Magazine and Internet Articles
September 2012: Haust magazine, (Fall) Feature article about wool. Earrings being displayed.
July 2012: Hús of Híbýli, magazine. Feature on the artist.
August 2010: Work featured in an article about "Skreflur" exhibition. Fréttablaðið.
June 2010: Brooch featured in an article about the opening of a Fishy Tale. Fréttablaðið, 3rd of June.
May 2010: Brooch featured in an article. Lesbók Morgunblaðsins, Saturday 29th of May
October 2009: Work featured in an article. http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/10/natural-necklaces-origins.php
October 2009: Artist of the Month, Crafts and Design in Iceland. http://www.handverkoghonnun.is/islenska/gagnabanki/listamadur-manadarins/nr/92755/
May 2009: Milk Magazine no 407. Work featured in an article.
April 2009: Design in Scandinavia no 23. Work featured in an article.
April 2009: Work featured in an article. http://www.dezeen.com
July 2008: Vikan (The Weekly Magazine) "Unique Icelandic Jewellery Design." 27tbl. 2008.
June 2007: The Goldsmiths Trust. "New Graduates from ECA"
Interview in relation to Láð and Lögur, Hanaholmen, Finland. http://areena.yle.fi/radio/1731380
Interview in relation to Láð and Lögur, Hanaholmen, Finland. http://svenska.yle.fi/artikel/2012/11/06/naturmaterial-och-atervinning-i-islandsk-smyckeskonst